How Artificial Intelligence Leads the Future of Travel Tourism Marketing

The Travel industry is ripe for disruption, and OTA’s (Online Travel Agencies) still have many opportunities to create and advance within their niche. New channels and Technology, such as messaging, Chatbots, and Voice Search, can potentially revolutionize how we travel and purchase within this industry.

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The Future of Search Engines

The revolution of A.I. is unstoppable. As if we needed further proof of this, Google has announced that they plan to implement artificial intelligence in their search engine, changing how we interact with the World’s leading browser. Google captures almost 95% of mobile traffic and over 80% of the search market share.

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Shanghai Data Exchange Launches with Hylink as a Key Partner

The opening ceremony of the Shanghai Data Exchange was held in Shanghai on November 25, 2021, a move under China’s big data strategy toward fostering a well-functioning, secure, and privacy-first fair data market to facilitate data circulations and transactions. At this event, the Shanghai Data Exchange Expert Committee was also established and data transactions occurred.

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At Home Healthcare is Expanding, But Why?

If it seems like every company is looking to expand to in-home healthcare, it’s because they are. What started with Amazon acquiring One Medical has continued with Walgreens purchasing both VillageMD and CareCentrix, and now CVS buying Signify Health. So, what gives?

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How the Electric Vehicle Market Changes Affects Consumers

As the push for greater electric vehicle (EV) adoption heightens, car manufacturers need to rethink their marketing approach. Now with California mandating that 100% of car sales in 2035 are EVs, manufacturers need to make EVs appealing to lower income consumers and provide better incentives to gain consumer interest and loyalty.

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Amazon’s Signature Blue Arrow Might Be On Your Next Doctor’s Scrubs

Your next healthcare provider will be available through your Amazon account. Amazon recently moved to acquire 1LifeHealthcare, commonly known as One Medical, in its push to become the one-stop-shop for everything you could ever need. But why now, and what would this acquisition look like?

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